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Hearts is the Ice project is about global connectivity around a climate crisis. Change never happens over-night but it does always start with us. We all desperately need to collaborate to solve some of the world’s most pernicious problems.


Our entire world is interconnected – everything in the ocean, sky, on land is all connected in one small way or another. 


Join the Hearts in the Ice  (HITI) team with the purchase of a unique Polar Bear Necklace that features the iconic Polar Bear-a species threatened by Climate change and the decreasing Ice that it needs for its survival and breeding. Your purchase will support the education platform and outreach as  HITI aims to connect us to climate issues that concern us all.

Polar Bear Necklace

  • Chain: 1.2mm clear sterling S 925 box chain with a silver lobster lock and a 5 cm extension cord, also S 925 Silver


    • S 925 Clear Silver medallion.
    • S 925 Clear Silver plate with laser engraved polar bear with a blue enamel background. 
    • A round surface glass piece inside the medallion for optic effect. 
  • Norsk: Ordre lagt mellom 09.00-16.00 mandag til fredag blir som regel sendt samme dag. Ordre lagt i helgene vil bli sendt førstkommende mandag.

    Vi sender alle våre produkter fra Oslo, Norge. Leveringstiden avhenger av hvor pakken skal leveres. Pakker levert til Europeiske land ankommer som regel innen en uke. Noen variasjoner kan forekomme, avhengig av destinasjon og tollregelement i de forskjellige landene.


    English: Orders placed between 09.00-16.00 (9am-4pm) Monday-Friday are usually shipped the same day. Orders placed during the weekend will be shipped the following Monday.

    We ship all of our products from Oslo, Norway. Shipping time depends on where the package will be delivered. Packages delivered to European countries usually arrive within 1 week. However, some variations may occur depending on the distance and customs regulations in each country.  

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